Recent Presentations:

Mycofacilitation: Increasing Ecosystem Health with Fungi - A powerpoint (8.9 MB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest

Mushrooms of the Northeast: ID, collection, health benefits, & sustainable cultivation
A powerpoint (671 KB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest

Culinary & Medicinal Mushroom Cultivation For Family Farms
A powerpoint (3.8 MB PDF file) presentation by David Demerest


Education Resources

Below is a list of some websites we recommend visiting for classroom materials related to mushrooms and other fungi. We have visited each of these sites but cannot take responsibility for the complete accuracy of their materials, effective use of those materials, or changes to their sites and educational materials since we last reviewed them.

The North American Mycological Association provides K-12 classroom materials, educational slides and a diagram of the mushroom life cycle here.

The British Mycology Society for classroom materials related to mushrooms and other fungi. Free mushroom classroom materials including display posters and graphics files can be used and downloaded for free if used for educational purposes.

Microbiology skills are sometimes needed to learn more about mushrooms and other fungi; we recommend visiting for free microbiology classroom materials.